Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I've been very bad

So last week was a very bad off week. I had a major meltdown over something I can't even remember. It all went downhill from there. I was just all moody and depressed. Now that I think about it, it could've been PMS, because I was very very emotional. I cried during a coffee commerical!! LOL!! Needless to say..after overeating on everything I could get my hands on..I only gained one pound, LOL!!

My friend & I have decided to weigh in every friday. I think that's pretty good. That way we can see if we've lost anything throughout the week. And that way, the weekend guilt won't show up either, LOL!!!

I don't think I'm going to lose anything. I'm still on my emotional plane, and feeling very PMSy right now. I still need to control my late night eatings. I ALMOST made it last night..but at the last min, I gave in. I was so close too. Maybe that's why I went up a pound. I really need to stop doing that!!!!!!!! I drank yummy tea and everything..and yet, I still gave in. I have zero willpower. No wonder why I spend all my money on Twilight stuff, rather than save it for something a blueray, LOL!!

OKay...Going to go play Just Dance with the hubby. I may do the Wii Fit again after he goes back to work. I did work up a sweat during the hula hoops game. (Me..I want..a hulaaa hoop)