Sunday, January 3, 2010

I let myself down big time

So all that eating last night came back to bite me in the ass big time!!!! I cannot believe it!! I gained 6 pounds!! The Wii Fit said not to eat after 9pm. So that will be my new goal. NO EATING AFTER 9PM. Tomorrow I'm going to start with the Wii Fit Plus workouts. They're just a bunch of workouts grouped together to help you lose weight. Geez...this is really hard. No wonder why I always gave up in the past. I still want to join Curves. I thought I could do that after we got paid..but the money dried up really fast. So maybe next month. I just want to look semi good by April. That is all I want!!!!!! For the WF (Wii Fit), I was supposed to lose 3 pounds by the 16th. But since I went up 6 pounds..I need to lose 9 pounds now. It's only my 3rd day and I will not feel like a failure, lol. I need to turn my negative thinking into postive thinking. So that's another goal for myself. MORE POSTIVE THINKING!!!!